Saturday, February 7, 2009

Blogging is becoming increasingly popular for its simplicity and effectiveness out of the many social computing tools. I am glad to have finally created my own blog!

In reference to a recent article I read on (See references below), blogging is a simple tool small businesses and entrepreneurs can use to direct internet traffic to their business's web address. With the use of blog-gennerating services like Typepad and Wordpress that automatically format words and contents on the blog so that serach engines can pick up on those words and phrases. According to John Jantsch, a blogger since 2002 and author of the Duct Tape Marketing Blog, "a blog gives a small-business owner the ability to show up much higher in the Google rankings than any kind of static website."

In the coming weeks, I will share information that I find interesting about the tools used in Online Learning and Instructional Design.

I look forward to your views, comments and suggestions.



  1. Hi Samar,

    I agree with you thoughts. The responsibly does not solely fall on the instructor. The students have a responsiblity to play their part in the learning proces for it to be an enriching experience.


  2. Samar, you mentioned something that is one of my main concerns about online training: the learners taking responsibility for their own learning. As I blogged at the beginning of the course I question the successes of this approach in a real business environment. Can the professionals of all levels take responsibility of their own learning experience? Probably not… What do we do in those cases?
    Check out my blog from 2/08/09: Learner Centred in Web 2.0.

  3. I think we should be able to answer the WIIFM question. I have written on Russ's blog about motivational theories and some tips we can use to keep our learners motivated. Let me know what you think.
